Thursday 16 February 2012

The Stress of LIFE

Everything you do in your life on a daily basis causes stress. But contrary to belief, not all stress is bad! There are actually 2 types of stress- Eustress (good stress) and Distress (bad stress).  It has been stated by Lululemon Athletica that "Stress is related to 99% of illness - This obviously refers to bad stress!  While a 6 mile run for a fit- 24 year old is beneficial, the same workout for your 75 year old grandfather might not have the same benefit (that is unless he is a marathon runner!)  In this blog, I will discuss the 3 types of stress and the effect they have on your body (and of course your SPINE)!

1.  Physical Stress - poor posture (sitting at a desk all day), repetitive motions (painting), slips & falls, improper sleeping position ( arm under your pillow or neck twisted to one side), birth (trauma), and whiplash injuries from a car accident are all bad physical stressors. 
2.  Chemical Stress - today's environment is constantly attacking us with chemicals.  Medications, drugs, preservatives, tobacco, alcohol, fertilizers and a host of other substances can affect our nervous system and other body systems.  The body is constantly trying to adapt and find a state of balance, but too often we are either toxic or deficient in something. 
3.  Emotional Stress - have you ever been faced with an impossible deadline at work? Or grieved the loss of a loved one?  Frustration or a sense of powerlessness at work are common forms of emotional stress.

Your body reacts to these 3 types of stressors by causing a vertebral subluxation.  If the subluxation is not corrected by a chiropractic adjustment, this may lead to symptoms down the road.  Think of a subluxation as your body's attempt to manage stress.   Although stress cannot be eliminated, regular chiropractic care may help reduce the amount of stress on your nervous system to keep you on track in this go-go- world! 

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