The purpose of Chiropractic care is to free the nervous system of subluxations, which cause nerve interference and therefore symptoms of dis-ease. In this post I want to discuss the importance of chiropractic care and being “well adjusted” at the beginning of life – that is in the neonate, infant, and the child.
Parents often ask why a newborn baby should be "checked" by a chiropractor? The first trauma that a human being suffers is birth. I’m sure that the mother and baby would both agree that this is quite a traumatic experience, which soon becomes a blessing. Ideally, babies should be checked and adjusted as soon as possible after birth to help alleviate spinal problems caused by constraint or abnormal positioning in the uterus, or by spinal distress from the journey through the birth canal or during the delivery process itself. Unfortunately, since a majority of children are not getting checked and adjusted by a Chiropractor, many infants suffer the consequences for an extended period of time. This can lead to further complications during your child’s growth and development.
Clinical experience and an increasing amount of scientific research have shown that removal of vertebral subluxation associated with birth trauma and childhood accidents can dramatically affect the health of your child!
Parents often are shocked by the fact that Chiropractors treat children- But why wouldn’t they? This is the most critical time that a child should be adjusted. Let me put this in perspective. The neonate has spent 9 months in the mother’s womb, and then experienced a major traumatic event during birth. The infant, while learning to crawl and walk, falls approximately 15 times per hour – this adds up to over 100 falls a day! The child, begins to go to school and is exposed to physical (falls and sports injuries), chemical (foods, different environments, bacteria, and viruses), and emotional stressors. And as they develop into adolescence, adulthood, and so on... they are bombarded with increasing physical, chemical, and emotional stressors which can lead to multiple subluxations, thus creating increased nerve interference!
Symptoms occur when your body can no longer adapt to the stressor. Symptoms then become expressed, for example: colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies, eczema, bedwetting, and of course, the “seasonal” cold and flu, among many more. Chiropractors do not specifically treat these conditions, but do specialize in the maintenance and prevention of health by identifying and eliminating the subluxations that may be causing these symptoms and diseases!
Don’t you want your child to live their best life? Ask your Chiropractor how they can help & have them checked today!
Below are some research conclusions from various Chiropractic Associations around the world….Check them out!
THE BRITISH CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION — "As children grow, chiropractic can help not only the strains caused by the rough and tumble of life but also with some of the problems that children can suffer in their first years: Colic—sleeping and feeding problems—frequent ear infections—asthma—prolonged crying."; THE
CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND — "Even today's 'natural' childbirth methods can affect an infant's spine. Preliminary studies suggested that colic, unusual crying, poor appetite, ear infections or erratic sleeping habits can be signs of spinal distress";
THE McTIMONEY CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION — Irritability, fractiousness, feeding problems, continuous crying, sleeps little, difficult to settle, colic, sickness and wind — all of these could indicate that there is a misalignment in the baby's skeletal system and that the baby is uncomfortable as a result";
THE NEW ZEALAND CHIROPRACTOR ASSOCIATION — "Parents and teachers often report children dramatically improve their attention span with Chiropractic care. Others report Chiropractic care as being the main reason for improved academic performance";
THE SCOTTISH CHIROPRACTORS ASSOCIATION — "Chiropractors are able to examine and evaluate a child's spine to determine if they can help problems such as colic, asthma, bedwetting, eczema and sleeping difficulties. Chiropractors advise that a child's spine be checked for subluxations and postural distortions before any symptoms are even present.""
Pediatrics, Vol. 122 No. 5 November 2008, pp. 1161 (doi:10.1542/peds.2008-2620)
Keep up the good work Amber!