Saturday 25 February 2012

Chiropractic for CHILDREN?!

Children are highly susceptible to trauma in their spines.  In addition to the physical distress of the birth process, your child will endure general knocks and falls as they grow and develop, which will typically result in multiple subluxations of the spine (nerve dysfunction).  Since spines grow rapidly during the first 5 years of life, checking for abnormalities during this time is critical for proper growth and development.  Though symptoms may not surface until years later, injury to vital nerves can result in a lifetime of serious health problems.

Research shows that many of the spinal and health problems experienced by adults start very early in life.

Physical causes for vertebral subluxation include being placed in car seats for extended periods of time, or sleeping in a car seat with inadequate support of the spine and neck.  As your child grows, sporting activities can include physical trauma.  Accidents while learning to ride a bicycle, rollerblading, skateboarding, skiing or playing football are just a few of the ways subluxations can occur in children.

Repetitive or prolonged postures while watching television and playing computer games can impact a developing spine.  The aches and pains your child may experience can often be brushed off as "growing pains."  However, we need to appreciate that any ache or pain is a message from the body needing to be addressed rather than dismissed.

Chemical deficiency and toxicity is also a common cause of nerve dysfunction.  This typically includes: exposure to vaccines, antibiotics, pesticides or hormones in our foods and general pollutants in the atmosphere which are all common cause of subluxations.

Nerve dysfunction may also result from emotional trauma in children during times of mental distress.  This includes major life events such as separation anxiety while starting school, divorce, loss of a loved one, or delayed social skills causing your child to have difficulty getting along with his or her peers.

A healthy child's body is resilient, but just as any machine or engine requires maintenance and service to help it run smoothly, so does your child's nervous system require care.  The top reasons reported for parents to send their children to alternative healthcare providers were for the following health complaints: symptoms of respiratory tract dysfunction (27%), ear/nose/throat dysfunction (24%), allergies (15%), skin conditions (6%), gastrointestinal complaints (6%), prevention (5%).

Today Chiropractic awareness is shifting from being an intervention for symptom and pain-relief to a more proactive, wellness oriented healthcare choice!  Chiropractic care allows children to have better nerve function affecting all of other body systems, and develop to their highest potential! Ask how your Chiropractor can help lead your children on a better path to health!

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