Saturday 11 February 2012

ChiropracTIC...The Best Kept Secret?!

As a principled Chiropractor it is extremely frustrating when you are at the bank, out for dinner, or just walking down the street and someone asks you what you do for a living, and after telling them what you do, they immediately associate you with - "oh my neck hurts", or "thank god, my low back is killing me?" Where does this come from? And, How did we go from being a healing art to a symptom based service?

What I want to do in this post is discuss the philosophy, art, and science of Chiropractic so that my patients can better understand the principles on why we do what we do!  

WHAT IS CHIROPRACTIC? Signals flow from your brain down the spinal cord to every organ and tissue. Sensory signals are sent back to the brain to confirm that your body is working properly. Improper motion or position of the vertebrae, called a subluxation, can irritate nerves and compromise the function of the organs and tissues controlled by those nerves. Chiropractic adjustments restore proper function to your spine and removes irritation from nerves improving mind/body communications. This allows the body to function at an optimum level. This includes your immune system, cardiovascular system, digestive system musculo-skeletal system etc.

WHAT IS A SUBLUXATION?  A subluxation is improper function or misalignment of the vertebrae that house and protect the spinal cord. These misalignments irritate and put pressure on the nerves that exit the spinal cord and tension the spinal cord compromising the nerve supply to different parts of the body. Subluxations that are left uncorrected for long periods of time can lead to pain, illness and lack of energy and vitality. Unfortunately, Subluxations are quite common and are found in everyone. Subluxations are caused by stress on the body- chemical, physical, or emotional. This stress may take different forms including poor posture, desk work, driving, physical traumas, poor nutrition, smoking, caffeine and especially emotional stress.

WHAT IS INNATE INTELLIGENCE? Ever heard the phrase, "The power that made the body heals the body?" This is a term coined by D.D. Palmer (Founder of Chiropractic) which basically means that once nerve interference is removed (by the chiropractic adjustment), the body has an inborn potential to heal itself. How does the body know when to increase your heart rate when walking upstairs, or maintain a certain body temperature of 98.6*F regardless of the external body temperature? It's because your body has this innate intelligence, from which you can survive even when you aren't consciously making decisions.

The 33 Principles of Chiropractic by R.W. Stephenson - see next post

Chiropractors treat the body as a whole.  They identify and eliminate subluxations found in the spine, for the purpose of removing nerve interference in the body.  This allows the body to heal itself!  This being said, symptoms (colic, ear infections,  cold/flu, headaches, neck/midback/low back pain and many more) occur because the spine is out of alignment, thus creating subluxations, which are causing nerve interference! After a prolonged time, this interference becomes symptoms! 

People do not know what Chiropractors do, or simply represent! Chiropractic represents an idea that if you control your chemical, physical, and emotional environment and get adjusted on a regular basis (to remove nerve interference), you can live a long, healthy, and prosperous life! This includes living a wellness lifestyle and focusing on the prevention of disease!   So how can we help more people? We can start by educating our new and existing patients on the true chiropractic philosophy instead of asking them "where they hurt today!" Thomas Edison said "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." The future is now, so lets make 2012 a year of change! 

Now for a little fun Check out:
1) S*it Chiropractors say
2) S*it Chiropractic Patients say

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