Monday 5 March 2012

Understanding Allergies

Many people suffering from allergies have reported benefits they have experienced from regular chiropractic treatments even though chiropractic care is not a specific allergy treatment...Why you ask? Because chiropractic is an alternative method of health care with the purpose of restoring neural integrity and allowing your body to function at its best! 

Why do people suffer from allergies?  Let me remind you that your immune system is influenced by nervous system- by chemical (diet), physical (activity & mobility), and emotional (feelings) stressors. If unhealthy, your immune system may fail to recognize and remove abnormal cells (such as cancers), may not overcome infection, may overreact to foreign substances (bee stings, penicillin, foods or drugs), become depressed (as in AIDS), or even attack itself! 

What causes allergies?  There is no specific cause to allergies, but many years of research has suggested that specific ingredients of childhood vaccinations, mother's who didn't breast feed, exposure to various foods too early before the gut is lined with the proper bacteria to aid in digestion, etc.

How does Chiropractic Work?  By releasing stress on the nervous system, chiropractic permits the immune system to function more effectively-something all allergy sufferers need. A nervous system without stress functions more efficiently. Recent understandings in psychoneuroimmunology reveal that when the nervous system functions better the immune system benefits. Chiropractors correct a basic cause of body malfunction to improve the function of your immune system. Please note that the chiropractic approach is to remove vertebral subluxations, a common spinal distortion that puts stress on your nervous system. Freed of nervous system stress, your body will work more effectively to neutralize the allergy-causing chemicals in your environment. 


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