Monday 19 March 2012

Cracking the Case of Infertility

Infertility. If you haven't struggled with it yourself, chances are you know someone who wants to become pregnant but can't...

While many traditional medical alternatives are mainstream in today's society, they are often focused at the symptom rather than the cause of the problem.

Infertility occurs because the body is out of its natural state of balance.  This could be a physical, chemical, or emotional imbalance- and can be in either the female or the male!   Factors that may influence fertility include: diet (including allergies to certain foods), obesity, insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal exhaustion, inactivity, prior history of STD's resulting in damage to reproductive organs, environmental toxins and chemicals (which may decrease sperm count or influence a woman's cycle), and contraceptives. 

While Chiropractic cannot magically allow you and your spouse to "get pregnant" per se, your Chiropractor can identify and correct subluxations, which can improve the function of your reproductive system, and thus result in fertility! Your Chiropractor can also assess your lifestyle habits and try and get you on a healthier track to conceiving naturally, and maintaining pregnancy. 

Getting adjusted on a regular basis has been found to improve autonomic and motor system function as demonstrated on her sEMG and thermography scans.  While many different techniques have been studied- Diversified, Gonstead, Sacro-Occipital Technique, etc- the concept remains the same! Chiropractic adjustments remove nerve interference and allow the body to attain a state of balance, resulting in optimal functioning of all the body systems! 

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