Monday 26 March 2012

Are Drugs the Answer?

With today's profuse advertising for drugs, when a child is unwell most parents look upon pharmaceutical products as a torch in the dark, a reputable "savior."  We often gain security from smart packaging and advertising.

Do you allow your children the opportunity to strengthen their immunity or you panic at the first sign of an infection and reach for antibiotics?  When your child has a runny nose, a temperature, or an earache...Do you run for a prescription? 

Unfortunately, most parents have little appreciation for the nature of the chemical compounds found in these commonplace drugs.  Potentially harmful chemicals are often prescribed unnecessarily for minor, self-inflicting ailments.  Antibiotics in particular are extremely powerful and should be reserved for the rare occasions that actually require them!

If we interfere with the innate intelligence of the body by consistently lowering a child's temperature, we can compromise their immune system and make them less capable of mounting immune responses in the future.  Inexperienced immunities then take offense to natural allergens, rendering the child susceptible to chronic illness. 

I encourage you to think twice before asking your physician for an immediate prescription for your child's infection. Their body is smart, and knows how to adapt. It just takes time!

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