Sunday, 6 October 2013

Boosting your Immunity Naturally with CHIROPRACTIC!

Well, it's "FLU SEASON" once again, and while your Doctor may have you convinced that a flu shot will actually protect you from getting the flu, I'd recommend doing your own research!  Here's a list of 5 steps to keeping you immune system healthy this fall!

1) SEE YOUR CHIROPRACTOR, REGULARLY - did you a know a single adjustment can boost your immunity by 200%? Thoracic spine adjustments cause an increase in the "respiratory burst" of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (WBC's) 30 minutes following
a Chiropractic adjustment. This helps fight off viruses & bacteria keeping your immune system functioning optimally!

2) EAT CLEAN - Studies show that 75% of your immunity actually comes from your GUT health! So, avoiding inflammatory foods (sugar, wheat, dairy), eating lots of fruits and veggies (rich in vitamins, minerals & antioxidants) & taking a few daily supplements (fish oils, probiotics & vitamin D) will have a tremendous increase on your overall immunity. Eat nutritiously and make it  your lifestyle!

3) GET ACTIVE - Regular exercise increases the level of leukocytes, an immune system cell that fights infection.  Exercise also increases endorphins (natural hormones) which pump of your self of well being & improve your quality of sleep, both of which have positive effects on your immune system!

4) RELAX: Chronic stress suppresses the immune system. Try practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, mediation or floating (sensory deprivation) to reduce stress. Reducing stress lowers levels of cortisol. It also helps you sleep better, which improves immune function. Studies show that people who meditate regularly increase their antibodies which leads to an improved immune system response!

5) LAUGH: Laughter really is the best medicine! Laughing decreases the levels of stress hormones in the body while increasing infection-fighting antibodies & boosting the levels of immune cells.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Is Your Child's Backpack Making the Grade?!

It's back to school time,  and over the break I'm sure you've had your regular doctor's check-ups and dental check-ups, but have you had your regular spinal check-ups? As many as 90% of  school children may be risk of spinal injury because of the way and amount they carry in their school bags. It has been found that 80% of them were wearing overfull, bulging bags and 75% of the children were not using any of the ergonomic features of their bags.  Putting too much stress on a child’s back at such an important stage of growth and development will result in serious problems immediately and later on in life. 

Perhaps the most alarming discovery was that those in junior school were carrying the heaviest backpacks, with their bags weighing as much as 17% of their body weight.   It is generally recommended that children carry no more than 10-15% of their body weight in their school bags. When a heavy weight (such as a book-stuffed backpack) is incorrectly placed on the shoulders, the weight’s force can pull a child backwards. To compensate a child may bend forward at the hips or arch the back which can cause the spine to compress unnaturally.

Concerned parents should remember however, that compared with shoulder bags, messenger bags or purses, backpacks are, despite potential problems, usually the better choice for children. When used correctly, the strongest muscles in the body, the back and abdominal muscles, support the weight of the packs. If not too heavy and if they are used correctly the weight is then evenly distributed across the body.

If your school doesn’t have a set school bag that you have to purchase, then shop around as not all are created equally. Be mindful to select a lightweight pack that doesn’t add a lot of weight to your child’s load (for example, even though leather packs look cool, they weigh more than traditional canvas backpacks). Look for two wide, padded shoulder straps, as straps that are too narrow can dig into shoulders. A padded back is also recommended as it not only provides increased comfort, but also protects kids from being poked by sharp edges on objects (pencils, rulers, notebooks, etc.) inside the pack.  I would also recommend picking one that has a waist belt and multiple compartments which helps to distribute the weight more evenly across the body.


Poor posture is big issue. Unfortunately teaching our children good postural habits requires a certain amount of ‘nagging’ so that our children learn to wear their backpacks correctly and diligence in coaching them how to carry less and pack their school bags effectively. Kids who wear their backpacks over just one shoulder, because it looks ‘cooler’ or feels somewhat easier, end up leaning to one side to offset the additional weight. With time these children are likely to develop lower and upper back pain and strain their neck and shoulders. Help them understand the long term impact of not carrying their school  bag correctly and insist they use the waist belt.  I know there is a lot to think about and organize as this time of year, but with wiser choices our children's spinal health and unhindered growth can be more easily catered for! 

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Detoxing at it's best!

Are you considering trying a detox but are unsure exactly what the benefits may be? When done correctly (in a healthy, safe & controlled environment), getting your body clean & healthy can result in a wide range of positive health effects. In this article I will discuss WHY I decided to purify, HOW I did it, and WHAT the benefits are!!

1. Why I decided to detox:
I believe in Spring Cleaning, Not only in my home, but in my life. Throwing away the old, and making room for the new - whatever that may be. I also believe that as we 'Spring Forward' we become more motivated about our health & are ready to look our best by the summer! In Vancouver, this winter seemed very long, rainy & cold. It made it difficult to keep active outdoors, and going to the gym just got boring.   Finally by the middle of April, the weather changed, the cherry blossoms bloomed & the sun was up earlier and around later.  It was the perfect opportunity to get back on purpose with my health routine! Plus who doesn't love a new burst of energy?

2.  HOW I did it. 
I decided to do the Standard Process Purification program, just for the ease of convenience. I have done this program before (about 3+ yrs ago) and loved it!  The SP purification program makes detoxing very easy. For the first 10 days, you can have 2-3 shakes/day, 1 cup of rice or lentils, and unlimited fruits & veggies (along with the SP cleanse supplements. Starting on Day 11, you can add lean meats (fish/chicken) & move onto the SP Green Food. I decided to stay "raw" as much as possible, and try and go grain, dairy & meat-free!

3.  WHAT are the benefits? 
I believe the overall goal of detoxing is the removal of toxins from your body. These can include anything from environmental pollutants, heavy metals to pesticides & artificial sweeteners. Often these toxins are stored in the body & even the brain (usually for many yeas).  When you eliminate these toxins, you eliminate inflammation in your body which helps to prevent chronic disease! 

Another major benefit of detoxing is an increase overall energy! This inadvertently will improve your quality of life. Our bodies don't function well when they are loaded with toxins. We usually begin to have symptoms such as joint pain, headaches, digestive disorders, sleep problems, depression/anxiety or lack of energy. You will notice that a lot of these symptoms disappear very soon with detoxification. You will have greater mental & emotional clarity AND may even notice some true weight loss! 

A majority (~80%) of your immunity is found in the gut, so cleaning out your gastrointestinal tract, helps to enhance you immune system function. Not only does having a healthy immune system mean you get sick less often, but it also means that your body can combat stress & illness easier!

Lastly, with a detox we are able to restore balance to our body's systems. Our digestive, nervous & hormonal systems were designed to work together to achieve optimal health.  When we overload them with toxins & unhealthy foods, these systems don't work as they should & we become a symptom list! Detoxing brings balance back and helps our body systems function properly again!

NOTE: On top of doing this program, I made sure to get adjusted by my Chiropractor twice a week, and Exercise 4-5x a week (60+min), which naturally also help with keeping your body systems functioning optimally & able to tackle the stresses 2013 has for you!

Dr. Amber Eckel, DC is a Chiropractor at Aurora Integrative Medical in Burnaby, BC. For more information check our her personal website @

Monday, 8 April 2013

Ear Infections - Yes they are common, but are they Normal?!

With approximately 10 million new cases every year, ear infections (aka otitis media) are the most common illness affecting babies and young children and the number one reason for visits to the pediatrician—accounting for more than 35% of all paediatric visits. 

Almost 1/2 of all children will have at least 1 middle ear infection before they're a year old, and 2/3's of them will have had at least 1 such infection by the age of 3. The symptoms can include ear pain, fever, and irritability. Ear infections can be either bacterial or viral in origin, and frequently result from another illness such as a common cold. For many children,  ear infections can become a chronic problem, requiring treatment year after year, and putting the child at risk of permanent hearing damage and associated speech and developmental problems. 

Standard treatment for most ear infection cases is with antibiotics, which may be effective if the culprit is bacterial (antibiotics, of course, do nothing to fight off viruses). But, according to many research studies, antibiotics are often not much more effective than the body's own immune system. And repeated doses of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria that scoff at the drugs, while leaving the child screaming in pain. 

Viva, Chiropractic!! 

Chiropractic is based on the principle that the body can heal itself, provided there is no interference.  Chiropractors evaluate the spine segmentally, and as a unit (how it moves as one). If a vertebrae has become misaligned (aka subluxated), it may reduce nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the the rest of the body including every organ, muscles & tissue.   It may also block important structures.  

In the case of ear infections, we commonly see that the first cervical vertebrae (C1 or Atlas) becomes subluxated.  When this happens, it can block the eustachian tube which connects the middle ear to the nose. This causes fluid to accumulate in this space, resulting in inflammation, and eventually an ear infection. While medications may help in the short-run to kill the bacteria, If the CAUSE (misalignment of C1) is never corrected, you may end up with repeated chronic ear infections. 

So why not try Chiropractic? It's easy & safe for anyone of any age.  As a Chiropractor, at Aurora Integrative Medical, I begin each patient with a history and examination to check the spine, looking specifically for distortions in the upper cervical spine.  If nerve tension is detected, I gently correct it with an adjustment. This helps to restore nervous system integrity and promote healing.  For an infant or child, this usually requires little more than a light touch with with my fingertip at just the right place and in the right direction. For more information on Chiropractic please visit my website at

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Items to AVOID when Breastfeeding

As you probably know the WHO recommends that the Mother exclusively breast feed for the first 6 months of life, afterwhich you may start introducing complementary foods into your child's diet.  It's recommended that you continue breastfeeding until ~2yrs.

The foods listed below are known irritants for babies and should be completely avoided for the first 6 months of breast feeding.  After your baby has reached 6 months, you may choose to slowly re-introduce some of these foods back into your diet.  It is best to re-introduce them in minimal doses so as to avoid restlessness and stomach upsets for your baby

1) DRUGS - over the counter, prescription, and social drugs will adversely affect your baby.  Valium and phenobarbitone can cause sedation.
2)  NICOTINE - affects your babies lungs, heart rate, and can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Smoking may also reduce breast milk.
3)  ALCOHOL - affects your babies brain and causes sedation.  Red wine and champagne in particular will cause irritability.
4)  CAFFEINE - found in tea, coffee, chocolate, coca-cola, and many other carbonated drinks is an addictive stimulant which causes sleeplessness and irritability
5) CHOCOLATE - theobromine is a stimulant
6)  ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS - cause hyperactivity
9)  LENTILS - and most secondary proteins such as beans
11) CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES - (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, onions, garlic)
12) DAIRY PRODUCTS - cow's milk is the first allergen to which incants commonly react.  If prematurely introduced, it is suggested that cow's milk may trigger the onset of juvenile diabetes, asthma, eczema, and a variety of allergic conditions.
14) RHUBARB OR LAXATIVES (such as senna, aloe, or cascara) - can also increase an infants bowel activity
15) SPORTS PROTEIN BARS & SHAKES - may decrease milk supply  due to the amount of artificial chemicals in some of these products

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Postpartum Chiropractic Care

After childbirth and delivery, many mothers assume they are now free from discomfort and health challenges. Whether a mother is under Chiropractic care during pregnancy or not, postpartum Chiropractic care is crucial for the mother after a birth! 

The birth and delivery process is life-changing for both the mother and the baby. The birth process, even the most straight-forward natural (vaginal) births, can be traumatic for both birth partners. I've already addressed having your baby checked by a chiropractor after birth in my article Adjustments for Babies?!. In this blog, I  talk about care for the mother after the birthing process...
Chiropractors remove nervous system interference allowing for optimal health and well-being. Impaired nervous system function and biomechanical imbalance in the low back and/or pelvis can lead to pain, discomfort and thus, poor health. Many women may “feel fine” after the birth of their children, as they are overjoyed and excited about this new life. This excitement may mask problems until they are noticed later on. Therefore, it is important to be checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible after the delivery! 
This is a very stressful time in a woman’s life as she is now challenged with looking after her newborn baby and experiencing a changing family dynamic with emotional highs and lows. These stressors can take a toll on a woman’s health if not addressed early.  For many women who have not had their nervous system stress and pelvic biomechanics addressed after birth, symptoms and pain can become increasingly severe as this misalignment and stress adds. Being checked by a chiropractor after each birth gives a woman confidence knowing she is in her best health going forward.
With the hormone Relaxin still present for awhile after the birth process, there is a window of opportunity to gently set the pelvic bones into balance and ensure proper alignment before ligament support is enhanced. However, adjustments to the spine and pelvis may be done any time after Relaxin has been diminished.
For more difficult deliveries with intervention or surgery (specifically C-sections),  rehabilitation of the spine, pelvis, and associated muscles and ligaments are often needed. Once a woman has healed and is well enough to visit the chiropractor, gentle adjustments can be made to the pelvic structures and recommendations for exercise and rehabilitation of the core musculature can be addressed to ensure proper healing and restoration.
After the initial symptomatic complaints post-birth have been addressed, wellness-based chiropractic care can begin to maintain optimal nervous system function and spinal health to keep the mother functioning at her best. This allows the woman to be in the best health possible for herself, her family and for subsequent pregnancies.
Dr. Amber Eckel, DC is a Chiropractor at Aurora Integrative Medical in Burnaby, BC, Canada.  She focuses on pregnancy, pediatrics wellness & sports care.